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Change Parts

185 South Jebavy Drive Ludington, MI 49431 United States

Change Parts, Inc. is an industry leading manufacturer of bottle handling and cap handling solutions. We offer a wide variety of cap handling, bottle handling and parts storage solutions for capping, inserting, plugging, labeling and filling machines from virtually any machine manufacturer. Our complete line includes stars and guides, bottle plates, centering bells, timing screw kits, cap chucks and cap chutes. Our solutions can be designed for quick change to maximize line change-over efficiencies and are always built with high-quality materials to provide many years of service. Customers we serve include: acids and corrosives, beverage and juice, chemicals, distilled spirits and wine, janitorial and cleaning supplies, personal care, petroleum and automotive, and pharma/nutraceuticals.

Specialty Equipment

Change Parts, Inc. - Specialty Equipment Product Image

Change Parts, Inc. specializes in supplying parts and accessories for bottling, cap handling inserting, plugging, labeling and filling machines from virtually any machine. Product offering includes stars and guides, bottle plates, centering bells, timing screw kits, cap chucks and cap chutes. Solutions can be designed for quick change to maximize line changeover efficiencies and are always built with high-quality materials to provide many years of service.

See the Specialty Equipment page on this company's website.

Types of Specialty Equipment

  • Third-Party Replacement Parts